Class Status and Weather Updates

Agility | Obedience and Rally | Noseworky | K9 Dexterity Parkour | Registration Instructions | Absentee Policy

Agility Class Registration

Download Registration Form [PDF] [MS Word]

Agility Foundation Class - 4 Week Class

This foundation training class is a 4-week session and the cost is $120 per dog.

Agility Training Classes - 7 Week Classes

Training classes run for 7 weeks, and are limited to 5-6 students per instructor. The cost is $250 for the first dog in a family. There is a Concurrent Class Discount of $25 for taking more than one class at the same time (can be with the same or different dogs).

Competition Agility Classes - 7 Week Classes

Competition agility classes run on a continuous basis and are paid for every 7 weeks. The cost is $250 for the first dog in a family. There is a Concurrent Class Discount of $25 for taking more than one class at the same time (can be with the same or different dogs).

Obedience and Rally Class Registration

Download Registration Form [PDF] [MS Word]

7 Week Obedience and Rally Classes

The 7 Week Obedience or Rally Classes are limited to 5-6 students per class. The cost is $250 for the first dog in the family. There is a Concurrent Class Discount of $25 for taking more than one class at the same time (can be with the same or different dogs). Beginning Obedience, Intermediate Obedience, Rally/Advanced Obedience, K9 Curves, Rally, and Canine Good Citizen are all 7 week classes.

STAR Puppy Program - 12 Week Class

The STAR Puppy Program is a 12 week class, limited to 5-6 students per class. The cost is $350 per puppy.

Nosework Class Registration

Download Registration Form [PDF] [MS Word]

7 Week Nosework Classes

The 7 Nosework Classes are limited to 5-6 students per class. The cost is $250 for the first dog in the family. There is a Concurrent Class Discount of $25 for taking more than one class at the same time (can be with the same or different dogs).

K9 Dexterity Parkour Class Registration

Download Registration Form [PDF] [MS Word]

7 Week Class

The 7 week K9 Dexterity Parkour classes are limited to 5-6 students per class. The cost is $250. Pre-Requisite is Beginning Obedience or Instructor Permission. Week one is orientation without the dog.

Registration Instructions

  • Email us at and include your name and the class name and starting date and time of the desired class. Visit the class schedule page for a list of classes.

  • Download, print, read and sign the Seattle Agility Center Class Registration Form
    [PDF] [MS Word]

  • Download and read the Guidelines for Attending Classes. These guidelines are also at the bottom of the registration form.

  • Mail your form and registration fee (check) to the Center. We also accept cash and Venmo payments.

Absentee Policy

If you miss class for illness or emergency, email Diana at to discuss credit.

We do not offer drop in options for coming on a part-time basis. Payment in full for the entire month is due at the first class of the month for all competition-level classes, or by the first class for all other classes.